you need to learn SQL RIGHT NOW!! (SQL Tutorial for Beginners)

my SUPER secure Raspberry Pi Router (wifi VPN travel router)

i created malware with Python (it's SCARY easy!!)

VMware on a Raspberry Pi!?!?! (ESXi Install)

do you need to be good at MATH to learn Python? // Python RIGHT NOW!! // EP 3

DDNS on a Raspberry Pi using the Cloudflare API (Dynamic DNS)

let’s go deeper into Python!! // Python RIGHT NOW!! // EP 2

What is a VMware Engineer? | VMware Certified Professional – VCP | MCSA | CCNA

If Else Statements in Python // Python RIGHT NOW!! // EP 4

you need to learn Python RIGHT NOW!! // EP 1

your home router SUCKS!! (use pfSense instead)

i bought a new SERVER!! (VMware ESXi Setup and Install)

access EVERYTHING from your web browser!! (Linux and Windows Desktop, SSH) // Guacamole Install

start, stop, restart Linux services (daemon HUNTING!!) // Linux for Hackers // EP 6

5 Steps to Secure Linux (protect from hackers)

60 Linux Commands you NEED to know (in 10 minutes)

let’s subnet your home network // You SUCK at subnetting // EP 6

the Linux File System explained in 1,233 seconds // Linux for Hackers // EP 2

Kali Linux APPS on Windows in 5min (WSLg)

you need to learn Ansible RIGHT NOW!! (Linux Automation)

HELP!! (for when you suck at Linux) // Linux for Hackers // EP3

you need to learn Virtual Machines RIGHT NOW!! (Kali Linux VM, Ubuntu, Windows)

EVERYONE needs to learn LINUX – ft. Raspberry Pi 4

Linux for Hackers // EP 1 (FREE Linux course for beginners)

you need a website RIGHT NOW!! (create a website for FREE)

how to HACK a password // password cracking with Kali Linux and HashCat

Kali Linux on Windows in 5min (WSL 2 GUI)

how to get remote access to your hacking targets // reverse shells with netcat (Windows and Linux!!)

this BASH script will make you a MILLIONAIRE

you need to learn BASH Scripting RIGHT NOW!! // EP 1

learning hacking? DON'T make this mistake!! (hide yourself with Kali Linux and ProxyChains)

forcing my wife to learn Linux in 24hrs

you need to HACK faster!! (Linux Terminal hacks YOU NEED!!)

apt, dpkg, git, Python PiP (Linux Package Management) // Linux for Hackers // EP 5

sudo = POWER!! (managing users in Linux) // Linux for Hackers // EP4

let's hack your home network // FREE CCNA // EP 9

DO NOT design your network like this!! // FREE CCNA // EP 6

Docker networking is CRAZY!! (you NEED to learn it)

BASH scripting will change your life