How To Update The Ubuntu Linux Kernel – Ubuntu Mainline Kernel Installer – GRUB Customizer

How To Update The Ubuntu Linux Kernel – Ubuntu Mainline Kernel Installer – GRUB Customizer

How To Update The Ubuntu Linux Kernel – Ubuntu Mainline Kernel Installer - GRUB Customizer

This video covers how to install or update the Linux kernel in Ubuntu by using the Ubuntu Mainline Kernel Installer, as well as make it easy to swap between them using GRUB.

Normally when you install any version of Ubuntu, you are generally stuck with the version of the Linux kernel that it ships with.

In majority of cases, you do not need to typically update the kernel to a more recent version, with one exception; new hardware support, more specifically a recently released AMD graphic card.

So the solution is to installed an application called the Ubuntu Mainline Kernel Installer that will download and install any of the official mainline Linux kernels available for Ubuntu.


Once installed, simply launch the application, select the Linux kernel that you wish to install, and reboot.


Install Grub Customizer using your package manager, for example with the following Terminal command:

sudo apt install grub-customizer

Once installed, launch, navigate to General Settings, and Change Boot default entry after to a value higher than 0 seconds.

Next, under advanced settings, change GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE value to 0, and once done, save the configuration.

Now the GRUB menu will allow you to select what kernel you wish to boot into.

#ubuntumainlinekernelinstaller #linuxgaming #ubuntu

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