Aqua Data Studio 8.0 – Entity Relationship Modeler

Aqua Data Studio 8.0 – Entity Relationship Modeler

Aqua Data Studio 8.0 - Entity Relationship Modeler

The Enitity Relationship Modeler (ER Modeler) helps in designing and editing database schemas and relationships through graphical representation of abstract database concepts. Tables, views, relationships and constraints are converted to shapes, lines, nodes and vectors so that complex abstract interactions and processes can be viewed in a coherent diagram. The models created in the ER Modeler immediately translate into queries and commands that databases can understand. Any database connection within Aqua Data Studio can be used to generate an ER Model (reverse engineering), and any model built within the Entity Relationship Modeler can be converted into a DDL script (forward engineering) for importing into any database available to Aqua Data Studio. It is possible to migrate database schema from one database server, vendor or version into any other database server through the ER Modeler’s “Convert To” tool. For more on how to convert a model from one database to another see the “Converting ER Model DB to DB” section. The Entity Relationship Modeler uses Aqua Data Studio’s Docking Framework, allowing users to undock its various panes and panels into separate windows.

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