DevOps | CI CD Pipeline | Setup Docker On Centos 7

DevOps | CI CD Pipeline | Setup Docker On Centos 7

DevOps | CI CD Pipeline | Setup Docker On Centos 7

#DevOps , #CICD , #Docker Hello Friends, We have seen in my previous tutorials to setup Jenkins on raspberry pi. It was part of my raspberry pi tutorials however now I want to extend it to next level. I am starting this tutorial for docker setup step by step instructions and will proceed on complete CICD Pipeline with other applications like GIT, Jenkins, Artifactory, etc and will also use a sample application to demonstrate the Build, Test and Deployment.

I have followed the docker documentation for reference:

Below are the commands used for docker setup:

sudo yum install -y yum-utils

sudo yum-config-manager

sudo yum install docker

sudo systemctl start docker

sudo docker run hello-world

Follow me @:…

Note: Each word by Word or sentences used in this video is self written and converted to Audio to give explanation on the steps in each tutorial . These are not automated or third party content or scrapped from any website.

Music credit: “Royalty Free Music from Bensound”

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