MongoDB on Kubernetes | MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator | ADITYA JOSHI

MongoDB on Kubernetes | MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator | ADITYA JOSHI

MongoDB on Kubernetes | MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator | ADITYA JOSHI

In this video, we will take a look at how to install MongoDB on Kubernetes using the MongoDB Operator. We will also try to interact with that MongoDB cluster using the MongoDB Compass.

The MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator supports the following features:

1. Create replica sets
2. Upgrade and downgrade MongoDB server version
3. Scale replica sets up and down
4. Read from and write to the replica set while scaling, upgrading, and downgrading. These operations are done in an “always up” manner.
5. Create users with SCRAM authentication
6. Create custom roles

Github repo link: Check out my courses on udemy:
1. The Complete Guide on Hyperledger Fabric v2.x on Kubernetes –
2. Learn to Deploy Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 on Multihost –
3. Master Class On Hyperledger Besu –
4. Certified Blockchain Developer Certification – 2021 –

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