4 Cool ColdFusion Books with author Luis Majano

4 Cool ColdFusion Books with author Luis Majano

4 Cool ColdFusion Books with author Luis Majano

Luis Majano talks about “4 Cool CF books” in this episode of the CF Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light.

Show notes
Learn Modern CFML in 100 minutes
Why wrote
Started by Mike Hanky 100 minutes of CF on GitHub but not completed
Inspired by Ruby in 100 mins
Luis asked to complete the CF book
Take CFML to next level, modern
What about
Who it is for
Reference for all CFers to write in modern CFML
Newbies to CFML
How to read/buy
Open source book

In GitBook
Kept up to date with pull requests
Print and Kindle and PDF
CF code to export to PDF for Amazon

Really 100 minutes? Yes
Mini videos on the chapters for CFCasts
102 ColdBox HMVC Tips and Tricks
Why 102?
Was (100 + 1) + 1 – overachiever
Why wrote
Help ColdBox users
Wrote 30 minutes per day 5 tips per day and from the team
What about
Who it is for
All levels of ColdBox users
How to read/buy
Oruts site PDF + eBook
Made with Ulysses  book publishing tool
Closed source
Future – video version for CFCasts
Two new books announcement
102 CommandBox Tips and Tricks
All levels of CommandBox users
Server spin up
Undertow JBOSS
Package management
ForgeBox 1000 open source modules
CLI (Command Line Interface) and REPL
102 TestBox Tips and Tricks
Automated testing
TDD (Test Driven Development) – write unit tests before writing the code
Developer paralysis from having to write tests first
Refactor code to be testable
Write tests for only the most complex CFCs
Just in time testing – write test after you see a bug so that bug doesn’t come back later
BDD (Behavior Driven Development) – higher level testing and user behavior
From top requirements and stories down
Also Mocking objects and data (was MockBox)
Dummy code objects until the real object is created
API mocking
Coverage testing
Currently with FusionReactor
Might be standalone later
Why to test
What to test
When to stop writing test
Launch at ITB
Other books
Online documentation of these products
Online is up to date, printed book is out of date
Why are you proud to use CF?
The best language – used many
ASM, Basic, C#, Grovey, Java, CF
WWIT to make CF more alive this year?
Build solutions in CF (not focus on cool language features)
Tell folks about it!
What are you looking forward to at Into The Box Web Development Conference 2022?
New family friendly venue in Houston TX
1 day workshops
Other big speakers, including from other languages

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