What is an API – Rest API in Android App Development

What is an API – Rest API in Android App Development

What is an API - Rest API in Android App Development

In this tutorial, We will Learn about APIs from basic to Advance level with real-time Examples then we move to API Implementation Steps but first, we’ll know about
What is Api?
Why we use Api?
why Api is important?
Types of Apis?
Role of Api in Android
Working steps
Post Man
Retrofit Library implement
Retrofit instance
API Implementation
There are some API implementation Steps:
 Create Android Studio Project
 Add Internet Permission in Manifest
 Add retrofit Libraries
 Create class for Retrofit Instance
 Interface for end points.
 Create Pojo(Plain old java object) Class for API response.
 Call API in Activity/Fragment.
 Set Data in XML View.

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Topics with Time are Given Below.
Time Topics
0.00 Intro
2:23 What is API
3:38 API in Daily Life
6:14 Why we Use API (Importance of API in Android App Development)
6:29 API in Android comparison with SQLite and Firebase
9:16 Why we need server in Android app Development
12:34 Types of API
13:14 Rest API Implementation Steps in Android Studio
14:30 Add retrofit Libraries in Android Studio Project
16:15 Create class for Retrofit Instance
19:20 Convert JSON to GSON
19:34 Interface for connect endpoints of API.
22:31 How to Test API using Postman Desktop App
26:06 Create a POJO Class for API response.
28:13 Use API in Activity / Fragment
31:21 Rest API implementation Output on Toast
31:38 API Implementation on RecyclerView in Android Studio

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Websites used in API tutorial :
Retrofit dependency Github: https://github.com/square/retrofit /
Gson converter Github: https://github.com/square/retrofit/tree/master/retrofit-converters/gson
JSON placeholder http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/
Download PostMan Desktop App https://www.postman.com/downloads/
json to java converter https://codebeautify.org/json-to-java-converter
Fake Api Link https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts
Special Thanks to Sir John for his Time.

What is Api?
Why we use Api?
why Api is important?
Types of Apis?
Role of Api in Android
Working steps
Post Man
Retrofit Library implement
Retrofit instance
Get Data in Activity

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