
Install esxi 6.5 U3 customized for DELL R630

Install esxi 6.5 U3 customized for DELL R630


How to install ESX 6.5 U3 customize for Dell R630

In the part 1 “How to configure RAID 5 and iDRAC for Dell R630 server” we had config iDRAC and RAID 5 for DELL R630 server. Now we will download esxi customized for DELL and install it.
– Download ESXi 6.5 U3 ISO
– Creat USB boot using Rufu (or you can mount iso to virtual CD and remote install via iDRAC)
– Install ESX
+ creat usb boot with rufu
+ plug usb boot to DELL R630 and chosee boot from usb
+ must be set from bios to boot mode BIOS or UEFI (depend on usb boot mode)

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