Install esxi 6.5 U3 customized for DELL R630

Install esxi 6.5 U3 customized for DELL R630

Install esxi 6.5 U3 customized for DELL R630


How to install ESX 6.5 U3 customize for Dell R630

In the part 1 “How to configure RAID 5 and iDRAC for Dell R630 server” we had config iDRAC and RAID 5 for DELL R630 server. Now we will download esxi customized for DELL and install it.
– Download ESXi 6.5 U3 ISO
– Creat USB boot using Rufu (or you can mount iso to virtual CD and remote install via iDRAC)
– Install ESX
+ creat usb boot with rufu
+ plug usb boot to DELL R630 and chosee boot from usb
+ must be set from bios to boot mode BIOS or UEFI (depend on usb boot mode)

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