How to Register Domain Names ¿ or .com?

How to Register Domain Names ¿ or .com?

How to Register Domain Names ¿ or .com?

When registering domain names we often get asked ¿which domain name should I register, a domain or .com?
Really it comes down to personal preference but there are a few things to consider. Firstly, domain names whether UK or US are registered on a first come, first served basis so anyone can register them. You don’t need to feel that there is a restriction on them (unless of course you are trying to register a domain that infringes someone’s trademark, but that’s another story for another day!).

Also, you don’t need to feel as though you have to register every type of domain name extension such as .net, .org, etc.. Usually what we recommend is that if you are a UK business, and especially if you are a local business like a plumber, cleaning company, accountant, etc. that is operating in a local geographical area as opposed to an international business, then a domain name is probably a more appropriate choice for you. It is telling your potential customers that you are a UK company basically.

What you could do though if you want to take the .com domain name off the market to prevent someone else registering it is to register it & then set up what is called domain parking for the .com domain. This is very straightforward. Basically, if you set your website up as a domain name & then someone types in .com instead of they would be redirected to the website so that you do not miss any traffic.

We offer free domain parking with all of our web hosting services & it is super easy to set up. Basically, you just login to your web hosting control panel & then look for the “Parked Domains” & there you just “park” the US domain name onto the main UK domain name. This video shows you how to set up domain parking.

If you are looking to register domain names feel free to contact us.

We also have loads more video tutorials for you at

We hope this was useful. Of course, if you have any questions please put them below & we will be happy to answer them for you.

If you are looking to register a .com, or any other domain extension please check

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