Domain Name RECOVERY. Who Owns MY Domain Name?

Domain Name RECOVERY. Who Owns MY Domain Name?

Domain Name RECOVERY. Who Owns MY Domain Name?

Blog Post:

Your domain name is the MAIN asset of your website. So if you don’t own your domain name, you don’t really have control over your website. I talk with a lot of people who aren’t sure the owner of their domain name. YIKES! If you don’t have ownership of your domain, you won’t be able to perform important setting changes like email routing, domain verification, or even just keeping the domain renewed and active!

Luckily, it’s pretty easy to figure this out due to the public info attached to domains in the WHOIS database. This won’t fix the problem. It will just help to diagnose the problem and figure out IF you own your domain and if you don’t, WHO does. In this video, I go over some basic steps to figuring out who owns your domain and how you can recover control.

VIDEO: How to transfer a domain name:


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