Database Model Part (5): Hierarchical Model/Network Model/Relational Model IN SQL ( Hindi / Urdu )

Database Model Part (5): Hierarchical Model/Network Model/Relational Model IN SQL ( Hindi / Urdu )

Database Model Part (5): Hierarchical Model/Network Model/Relational Model IN SQL ( Hindi / Urdu )

🔵 In this session on the SQL course, firstly we will introduce you to what is a database model,
DBMS and later on, we will teach you SQL from scratch to an advanced level along with hands-on demo and interview questions.
This video is must watch for everyone who wishes to learn SQL and make a career in it.

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SQL Full Course,
Introduction to Database,
Introduction to DBMS,
Introduction to SQL,
Applications of SQL,
Basics: SQL Tables,
SQL Tables: Datatypes,
Installation of SQL Server,
Create, use and Drop Database in SQL,
constraints in SQL,
Creating a table in SQL,
Insert Query Syntax in SQL,
Select Statement Syntax in SQL,
Select Distinct Syntax in SQL,
Operators in SQL,
Functions in SQL,
Clauses in SQL,
Statements in SQL,
Joins in SQL,
Union Operator in SQL,
Except Operator in SQL,
Intersect Operator in SQL,
Views in SQL,
How to Alter Table in SQL,
Merge statement in SQL,
Types of user,
Temporary table,
Case Statement in SQL,
IIF() Function in SQL,
Stored Procedure in SQL,
Exception Handling in SQL,
Data Base Administrator,
Types of DBA,
Intro to MS SQL Server,
Evolution of SQL Server,
Editions of SQL Server,
Installing MS SQL Server,
SQL Server System Databases,
Master Database,
Restoring “AdventureWorks” Database through GUI,
Recovery Models,
Planning a Backup Strategy,
Backup models in SSMS,
Point in Time Recovery,
Importing Data,
SQL Server OS Related DMV’s,
Activity Monitor,
Starting Activity Monitor,
System Monitor/ Performance Monitor,
Working with SQL Server Profiler,
Ensuring Data Integrity,
Index in SQL,
CRUD Operations: SQL Queries,
What is SQL Injection with Hands,
How to become an SQL Developer,
SQL Demo,
Skills to become SQL Developer,
Career Path: SQL Developer,
SQL Interview Questions & Answers,
If you’ve enjoyed this SQL Training, Like us and Subscribe to our channel for more similar informative SQL course tutorials.
Got any questions about SQL Tutorial For Beginners video? Ask us in the comment section below.
🔵 Why should you opt for a SQL career?

SQL optimization has always been a popular topic in database management.
SQL Database optimization can be an extremely difficult task,
in particular for large-scale data wherever a minute variation can result or impact drastically on the performance.
So learning this skill will definitely help you grab the best jobs in top MNCs after finishing SQL online training.
The entire SQL course is in line with the industry needs. There is a huge demand for SQL certified professionals.
The salaries for SQL professionals are very good.
Hence this SQL database tutorial for beginners is your stepping stone to a successful career!

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