deepin • 23-preview

deepin • 23-preview

deepin • 23-preview

The developers of deepin, a desktop Linux distribution featuring the Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE), have announced the availability of the initial development snapshot of deepin 23. This is a major upgrade that turns the project into an independently-developed distribution with a brand-new package format and various important improvements:

deepin 23 preview is a staged version of deepin 23, which includes three main features – brand-new repositories, atomic updates and a self-developed package format. Please note that it cannot be upgraded from deepin 20 directly at present. Linglong is a new package format developed by deepin, aiming at solving various compatibility problems caused by complex dependencies of traditional package formats under Linux, and reducing the security risks caused by decentralized control of permissions. It is available to any Linux distribution, supports incremental updates of applications, managing, distributing and sandboxing apps, which not only improves ease of use, but also greatly protects user privacy.

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