096 Adobe ColdFusion 2020 Roadmap (Multi-cloud, micro-services and more), with Ashish Garg

096 Adobe ColdFusion 2020 Roadmap (Multi-cloud, micro-services and more), with Ashish Garg

096 Adobe ColdFusion 2020 Roadmap (Multi-cloud, micro-services and more), with Ashish Garg

Ashish Garg talks about “Adobe ColdFusion 2020 Roadmap (Multi-cloud, micro-services and more), with Ashish Garg” in this episode of the CF Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light.

Episode Highlights
ColdFusion Future
PM → VM → Cloud → Containers → Serverless
What will make CF take off more
CF 2020 Vision – To be the modernized platform of choice for building cloud-native microservice applications with an absolute focus on ease of use without getting locked to a particular cloud vendor (multi-cloud).
Micro-services container deploy
CF 2020 Roadmap – modernized ColdFusion for the next decade

Compare to the move from CF5 to CFMX J2EE
That enabled Enterprise java development using CF
Now cloud

Most enterprises are moving to the cloud
Why is cloud so important to enterprises and CIOs?
Less upfront cost
CapEx vs OpEx
Pay monthly vs up front.
Computing as a utility vs investment in build and maintaining, specialization of server building and maintenance (including security patching, upgrades), better redundancy
And more flexibility for having to know how many servers you need up front – or change the number of servers day to day, minute to minute. 
Better for the budget – more predictable 
Faster time to market, less work on maintaining servers. Easier to manage
Managed services – including software
Many extra services available via the cloud
Eg database as a service
Sizing, no downtime or maintenance
No need for DBA (apart from database design)
40+ AWS services
Backup is taken care of for you
CF will provide easy access to key cloud services – See Services section below
The old distributed vs centralized debate
Easier to scale
Better but now centralized so when it does go down it affects everything
AWS went down
Multi-cloud, multi-region deployment
Multi-cloud – better features or implementation on certain cloud providers
Eg HIPPA compliance easier on Azure
Better regional availability, government restrictions on US and EU govt sites
Can start small for development then easily scale (both in how beefy the machine is and number of machines in the cluster)

CF makes multi-cloud easy
Combined AWS and Azure make up ⅔ of the cloud market for CFers currently
Other cloud vendors coming in future
Cloud platform-agnostic – portability
Portability layer so CFers can write this for new cloud providers   as DO
How fast can it move to a new cloud
Depends on how the app is written. Containers make this easier. Full-blown cloud app needs abstraction layer. Database provisioning may take time.
AWS cloud formation template to make a new one
CF cloud licensing 
Moving to cloud licensing (granularly pay per hour/minute)
Rakshith working on this
Technical issues are easier to solve
Free Intro pricing for developers compare to AWS – Freemium marketing – low barrier to entry
CF AWS already has hourly pricing – AMI
Monitoring, security and scaling built-in
Performance Monitoring Toolset (PMT) will be transformed to be cloud/container ready – Monitoring of cloud services
Messaging and alerts of performance issues
AWS cloud watch integration
Centralized performance monitoring of cluster (Virtual Private Cloud = VPC)
Auto-scaling? Kubanetics or ECS orchestration of containers
Move to serverless
Calls going out, coming back, performance metrics of cloud services
All logging to be sent to a centralized repo across all the nodes. The idea is to make log inspection for debugging across your nodes and microservices super simple.
Possible new dedicated logging service and integration with existing logging services such as Splunk
API Manager logging, control and monitoring of API use will move into cloud too
Container support
Why – move from monolith apps to REST-based API microservice apps and granular runtime modules
Lean and small code, more efficient use of computing resources
Fast loading
Granular roll back to an earlier version of service API
Better QA because can test each microservice separately
More agile, safe to take more risks
CI/CD pipeline
Fast deployment
API manager and microservices
a hidden CF advantage
Some future improvements to API manager have been made
For cloud compatible
Run on the cloud with common Redis caching in your VPC

Nimble runtimes
Download a tiny zip containing a core base and a package manager – instead of the present 1 GB installer. From 1 GB to less than 50 MB.
May not have an installer GUI
Easier container creation for average developers
Speed of loading/startup time 5 seconds or less
Similar to NPM = Node Package Manager 
Auto-scaling of code to see what tags are used
Great for microservice code that 
Could it auto pull in any extra code at runtime?
DevOps – Tool to scan ColdFusion app and infer CF modules that are required

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