How to change PHP database from MariaDB to Mysql in WAMP server

How to change PHP database from MariaDB to Mysql in WAMP server

How to change PHP database from MariaDB to Mysql in WAMP server

This video is for specially makaut MAR during lock-down session .

Latest WAMP server 7.4.6 default interact with MariaDB if installed but if you want to use MySQL then change the MySQL port to 3306
and change the MariaDB port to 3308 . so that you can access database with any programming language connector . All connector use 3306 port to connect with database ,so you have to change the port accordingly . So you are it it hope you learned something valuable and now you can go all the way for you database interaction coding . See you next time with another helpful and problem solving video content.

I am Milan Hembram …. I am a student of RCC IIT ,Beleghata .
B.Tech CSE . I try to explore technology and feel tech as a personal interest ,I can code in many language and sometimes hacking is my other hobby , i am aslo a travel vlog creator …..I also shoot photo with my Cannon 200 D …..

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