
JavaScript just got way faster

First look at Bun – a fast new JavaScript runtime like Node.js or Deno. Explore the core features of Bun.js and how they might affect fullstack web developers in the future.

#javascript #firstlook #TheCodeReport

🔗 Resources

Bun.js Announcement https://bun.sh
Bun on Github https://github.com/Jarred-Sumner/bun
How JavaScript Works https://youtu.be/FSs_JYwnAdI

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🔖 Topics Covered

– What is a JavaScript runtime?
– How do JavaScript engines work?
– Why is Bun so fast?
– What is the Zig Programming language?
– Bun.js vs Node
– Bun.js vs Deno
– Native Typescript with Bun

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