39 Reasons Why iOS and Android Development is Hard – Especially When Building Large Mobile Apps

39 Reasons Why iOS and Android Development is Hard – Especially When Building Large Mobile Apps

39 Reasons Why iOS and Android Development is Hard - Especially When Building Large Mobile Apps

The book Building Mobile Apps at Scale is free as a PDF until 31 May, get it here: https://www.mobileatscale.com

I’ve sat on meetings with non-mobile engineers and managers, hearing countless variations of these:
“The mobile part should be trivial – the backend is the one that’s really challenging.”
“Mobile is just a simple frontend, it should be easy to make the changes.”

Mobile, when done at scale, is just as challenging as building distributed systems or large and complex web applications. This video collects the 39 most common challenges on why this is.

📚 Books I’ve written and am reading 📚
– 📱Building Mobile Apps at Scale: https://www.mobileatscale.com/
– 📄Software engineering resumes: https://thetechresume.com/
– 📘The Software Engineer’s Guidebook: https://www.engguidebook.com/
– 📚Books I’ve read that you see behind me: https://blog.pragmaticengineer.com/my-reading-list/
– 📝All the books I’ve written: https://blog.pragmaticengineer.com/books/

👨‍🎓 My email series to prepare for senior+ Big Tech Interviews: https://blog.pragmaticengineer.com/tech-interviews
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00:00 – Intro
01:39 – Reasons mobile engineering is challenging
03:46 – Part 1: why mobile is different
07:11 – Part 2: app complexity
08:55 – Part 3: large teams
09:08 – Part 4: cross-platform mobile apps
11:59 – Part 5: stepping up your game

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