【公诉精英 Prosecution Elite】先导预告:迪丽热巴佟大为携手打击网络犯罪

【公诉精英 Prosecution Elite】先导预告:迪丽热巴佟大为携手打击网络犯罪

【公诉精英 Prosecution Elite】先导预告:迪丽热巴佟大为携手打击网络犯罪

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Assigned by Chief Prosecutor Xu Ailin, An Ni, a prosecutor of Jiangcheng Procuratorate, investigated the disappearance of a college student who tried to commit suicide by jumping into a lake. During the investigation, An Ni found that the “Ivory Tower” live streaming app used the back end of Huiquan Game to commit crimes. She started with the personal illegal acts of Huiquan Game’s CEO Zhao Jikai and looked into his association with some overseas live streaming platforms that provide bullying-related content. As a result, all the criminals of “Ivory Tower” were caught. Huiquan’s share price plummeted. Under the banner of charity, Yin Huiquan donated money to Jiangxiao Academy which abused minors in secret illegally. Inured students Like Li Xiaowen stepped forward to make it public that Jiangxiao Academy controlled students with improper means. In court, as An Ni presented hard evidence, Jiangxiao Academy was finally shut down and the people involved were punished according to law. Yan Qin, who took over Huiquan Game, misappropriated funds to take stakes in developing copper mines. However, this investment turned out to be a Ponzi scheme by an online financial fraud group. An Ni took sufficient evidence and went abroad to participate in a transnational trial. With the cooperation of Chinese and foreign judicial organs, Qian Tianxin was repatriated and his assets were frozen.

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