Moose is Perl: a guide to the new revolution

Moose is Perl: a guide to the new revolution

Moose is Perl: a guide to the new revolution

Perl’s system for object-orientation is powerful, turning over control of nearly everything to the programmer. It abides by Perl’s motto, “There’s more than one way to do it!” The Moose philosophy agrees, but pencils in its own ammendment, “There is more than one way to do it, but sometimes consistency is not a bad thing either.” By establishing a common system for building classes, Moose enables new levels of code reuse, allowing you to improve your code with features that would otherwise be too complex or expensive to implement on your own.

Although its compact, declarative look can seem perplexing at first glance, Moose is just Perl, and can be easily explained, learned, understood, and put to use. This tutorial will cover all of Moose’s basic features, including attributes, subclassing, method modifiers, roles, and types.

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