File Download from ASP.NET 5.0 Web API [With only one line of code]

File Download from ASP.NET 5.0 Web API [With only one line of code]

File Download from ASP.NET 5.0 Web API [With only one line of code]

In this video, I am going to walk through how we can use out of box features of ASP.NET 5.0 Web API to allow file download from an ASP.NET Core Web API Application.

In this video, I will cover a couple of topics:
1. Create an HTTP GET method in Web API to allow file download (a CSV file)
2. Create an HTML/JavaScript page to allow calling of the Web API to download the CSV file

In this video, I will be using the Static file feature of ASP.NET Core. I have done a video in the past to explain how to expose static files in ASP.NET code, here is the link to that video:

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