How to install Zsh bash (change default bash) On Manjaro, Arch Linux

How to install Zsh bash (change default bash) On Manjaro, Arch Linux

How to install Zsh bash (change default bash) On Manjaro, Arch Linux

Hello guys,

In this video,
I’m going to show you
how to install Zsh bash on Manjaro

# Install Zsh bash
sudo pacman -S zsh

# Verify installation
zsh –version

# Run zsh in terminal:

You will see options in terminal screen,

First hit 1 to continue to the main menu.

Then hit 2 at Zsh main configuration menu,
It will set up the auto-complete system.
This system will automatically fill in commands
it detects within the history file

Then hit 1 again, and hit 0 to exit and save settings.

# Install Oh My Zsh
sh -c “$(curl -fsSL”

or gir clone:
git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh

# Change Zsh theme (agnoster)
Oh my Zsh themes:
sudo nano ~/.zshrc

Change ZSH_THEME=”robbyrussell” to ZSH_THEME=”agnoster”

Save and exit (CTRL+X, Y, Enter)

# Change default shell for root and user
sudo -s
chsh -s /bin/zsh root ( to set root)
chsh -s /bin/zsh your_username (to set user)

# Set Zsh your default shell (you can use this command if you want)
chsh -s $(which zsh)

# Logut and login to use Zsh

After login
# Test that is work with:
echo $SHELL
(Expected result: /bin/zsh or similar)

Test version:
$SHELL –version

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