Dark Matter Cryptids, crop circles, time slips, the Science Behind Secret Lifeforms – Simeon Hein

Dark Matter Cryptids, crop circles, time slips, the Science Behind Secret Lifeforms – Simeon Hein

Dark Matter Cryptids, crop circles, time slips,  the Science Behind Secret Lifeforms - Simeon Hein

Dr. Simeon Hein is the director of the non-profit Institute for Resonance in Boulder, Colorado. The Institute is devoted to the study of subtle-energy sciences including remote viewing, crop circles and related subjects. Dr. Hein has a Ph.D. in sociology and has previously taught research methodology at Washington State University. Dr. Hein first learned remote viewing in 1996 and subsequently became involved in crop circle research. He believes that all crop circles, regardless of their origin, create energetic effects by virtue of their shape and the subtle interaction between humans, plants, and sacred geometry. In addition to assisting with Institute for Resonance crop circle tours he continues to offer online remote viewing classes. Simeon’s most recent book is “Black Swan Ghosts: a Sociologist Encounters Witnesses to Unexplained Aerial Craft, Their Occupants, and Other Elements of the Multiverse.”

His newest books is called Dark Matter Monsters, cryptids, ball lightning the science behind secret lifeforms


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