Module 1 : c language | learn c language for beginners | learn c language | learn c programming full

Module 1 : c language | learn c language for beginners | learn c language | learn c programming full

Module 1 : c language | learn c language for beginners | learn c language | learn c programming full

Module 1 : c language | learn c language for beginners | learn c language | learn c programming full course

Course Overview:
Welcome to the “Learn C Language for Beginners” course! This comprehensive course is designed to take you from the fundamentals of C programming to a proficient level where you can confidently write, compile, and debug C code. Whether you’re a complete beginner or have some prior programming experience, this course will provide you with a solid foundation in the C programming language.

Course Duration:
This course is structured to be completed at your own pace, but it typically spans 8-12 weeks if you dedicate around 5-7 hours per week to study and practice.

Course Outline:

Module 1: Introduction to C Programming

Lesson 1.1: What is C Programming?
Lesson 1.2: Setting Up Your Development Environment
Lesson 1.3: Your First C Program
Lesson 1.4: Basic Syntax and Structure

Module 2: Variables and Data Types

Lesson 2.1: Understanding Variables
Lesson 2.2: Data Types in C
Lesson 2.3: Constants
Lesson 2.4: Basic Input and Output

Module 3: Operators and Expressions

Lesson 3.1: Arithmetic Operators
Lesson 3.2: Relational and Logical Operators
Lesson 3.3: Conditional (Ternary) Operator
Lesson 3.4: Operator Precedence and Associativity

Module 4: Control Structures

Lesson 4.1: Conditional Statements (if, else, switch)
Lesson 4.2: Looping Structures (for, while, do-while)
Lesson 4.3: Break and Continue Statements
Lesson 4.4: Handling User Input

Module 5: Functions

Lesson 5.1: Function Basics
Lesson 5.2: Function Prototypes
Lesson 5.3: Function Parameters and Return Values
Lesson 5.4: Recursion and Recursive Functions

Module 6: Arrays and Strings

Lesson 6.1: Introduction to Arrays
Lesson 6.2: Array Initialization and Manipulation
Lesson 6.3: Strings in C
Lesson 6.4: String Manipulation Functions

Module 7: Pointers and Memory Management

Lesson 7.1: Understanding Pointers
Lesson 7.2: Pointer Arithmetic
Lesson 7.3: Dynamic Memory Allocation (malloc, calloc, realloc, free)
Lesson 7.4: Memory Leaks and Common Pitfalls

Module 8: Structures and File Handling

Lesson 8.1: Defining and Using Structures
Lesson 8.2: File Input and Output
Lesson 8.3: Error Handling and Exception Handling
Lesson 8.4: Working with Binary Files

Module 9: Advanced Topics

Lesson 9.1: Preprocessor Directives
Lesson 9.2: Function Pointers
Lesson 9.3: Multidimensional Arrays
Lesson 9.4: Introduction to C Libraries

Module 10: Debugging and Best Practices

Lesson 10.1: Debugging Techniques and Tools
Lesson 10.2: Code Optimization and Best Practices
Lesson 10.3: Version Control with Git

Module 11: Final Project

Lesson 11.1: Designing and Implementing a C Program
Lesson 11.2: Project Presentation and Code Review

Module 12: Conclusion and Next Steps

Lesson 12.1: Course Recap
Lesson 12.2: Next Steps in Your C Programming Journey
Lesson 12.3: Additional Resources and Further Learning
Throughout the course, you’ll have access to hands-on coding exercises, quizzes, and projects to reinforce your learning. Additionally, you’ll receive guidance on setting up a development environment, troubleshooting common errors, and adopting best practices for writing clean and efficient C code.

By the end of this course, you will have the skills and confidence to write C programs, understand existing C codebases, and potentially pursue more advanced topics in C programming or related fields.

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