I Tried Cloud Hosting for 30 days. Is it REALLY Worth The Money? (vs Shared hosting)

I Tried Cloud Hosting for 30 days. Is it REALLY Worth The Money? (vs Shared hosting)

I Tried Cloud Hosting for 30 days. Is it REALLY Worth The Money? (vs Shared hosting)

Have you ever wondered, how much better is cloud hosting than shared hosting?
Because with cloud hosting you can scale automatically your servers and have super-powerful machines running your website based on traffic peaks.

I don’t about you, but I’ve been wondering this for a long time. So a couple of months ago I moved my website with seventeen thousand visitors every month from HostPapa shared hosting to Google cloud hosting. Just to test it out. But what I found out, is a bit disappointing.

As you can the total speed increased only marginally. But, the thing is, Google looks at this server response time more than at some of the other metrics. So there might be some SEO benefits (Web Core Vitals). Let’s take a look if that’s true in my case.

Okay, doesn’t look like it moved the needle there. But what about the costs. Is it really worth all the hassle?

Now let’s be honest, my website might not be big enough to really see the benefits of cloud hosting. My shared hosting is clearly capable handle the load.
And I have a highly optimized website so the load speeds are not that different.

But again, I’m not a pro with servers, so maybe someone who understands them better than me can point out if I missed something. But for now, my conclusion is that cloud hosting is not for me. At least right now.

Let’s see when my website reaches a hundred thousand visitors a month, I might to run this test again. In any case, if you use Google cloud, you can try this yourself for free for like 90 days. So if you are into these things, I highly recommend trying it out on your website.

00:00 What I did
00:55 Impact on my page loading times (website speed)
02:35 Impact on my SEO traffic & Web Core Vital

05:13 Cloud vs shared hosting pricing
06:13 Conclusion

Hosting I’m using: https://punchsalad.com/hostpapa/ (60% discount)
Where I get my domains: https://punchsalad.com/namecheap-domain/
Email tool I use: https://punchsalad.com/lp/mailerlite/
WP plugins I’m using: https://punchsalad.com/recommendations?utm_campaign=tomTom&utm_medium=social&utm_source=youtube
*Some of the above links might be affiliate links.

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