Create Free IPV6 Using Tunnel Broker and SSH to New IP even if you have pure-IPV6 or pure-IPV4

Create Free IPV6 Using Tunnel Broker and SSH to New IP even if you have pure-IPV6 or pure-IPV4

Create Free IPV6 Using Tunnel Broker and SSH to New IP even if you have pure-IPV6 or pure-IPV4

⛔️ This tutorial has made for personal usage, and I won’t accept any commercial usages. ⛔️

✅ Commands

part1 👇🏼

sudo ip tunnel add TUNNEL-ID mode sit remote VPS-IPV4 local SITE-IPV4 ttl 255
sudo ip link set TUNNEL-ID up
sudo ip -6 addr add CLIENT-IPV6 dev TUNNEL-ID

part 2 👇🏼

nano /etc/network/interfaces

iface eth0 inet6 static
accept_ra 0
address CLIENT-IPV6
netmask 64
gateway SERVER-IPV6

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