Middleware Components in ASP NET Core | Day 7 | Dot Net Tutorials | Pranaya Rout | Online Training

Middleware Components in ASP NET Core | Day 7 | Dot Net Tutorials | Pranaya Rout | Online Training

Middleware Components in ASP NET Core | Day 7 | Dot Net Tutorials | Pranaya Rout | Online Training

Middleware Components in ASP NET Core | Day 7 | Dot Net Tutorials | Pranaya Rout | Online Training

At the end of this video, you will understand the following pointers.

What are the ASP.NET Core Middleware Components?
Where do we use the Middleware Components in the ASP.NET Core application?
How to Configure Middleware Components in ASP.NET Core application?
Examples of using Middleware Components?
What is the Execution Order of Middleware Components in ASP.NET Core?
What are Request Delegates in ASP.NET Core?
What is Use, Run, and Map Methods in ASP.NET Core?
What is UseDeveloperExceptionPage Middleware Component?
How to Configure Middleware Components using the Run() and Use() Extension Methods?
What is the difference Between MapGet and Map Methods?
Differences Between Mao, Use, and Run Extension Methods?
What is ASP.NET Core Request Processing Pipeline?
Example to Understand ASP.NET Core Request Processing Pipeline
How to create and register multiple middleware components in ASP.NET Core?
What is the execution order of middleware components in the request processing pipeline?
.NET Core vs. .NET Framework Code Execution Process

What are ASP.NET Core Middleware Components?
ASP.NET Core middleware components are modular, reusable components that form the building blocks of the request processing pipeline in an ASP.NET Core application. Middleware components are responsible for handling specific tasks while processing incoming HTTP requests and outgoing responses. They enable you to add various functionalities to your application, such as authentication, routing, logging, compression, and more, in a highly modular and customizable manner.

Middleware components are executed in the order they are added to the pipeline, and each component has the ability to process requests, modify responses, or perform other actions before and after passing the request to the next middleware component. This sequential execution allows you to create a flexible and extensible pipeline tailored to your application’s needs.

What is the ASP.NET Core Request Processing Pipeline?
The ASP.NET Core Request Processing Pipeline, often called the “middleware pipeline,” is a sequence of components or middleware that handle an incoming HTTP request in an ASP.NET Core application. The pipeline plays a crucial role in processing requests and performing various tasks such as routing, authentication, authorization, caching, logging, and more. Each middleware component in the pipeline processes the request in a specific way and can modify the request or response as needed.

The request processing pipeline is essential to how ASP.NET Core handles incoming requests and prepares responses. It follows a specific sequence of steps as the request travels through the pipeline, with each middleware component having the opportunity to examine, modify, or act upon the request before passing it along to the next component.

Text Document Links:
ASP.NET Core Middleware Components: https://dotnettutorials.net/lesson/asp-net-core-middleware-components/
.NET Core vs. .NET Framework Code Execution Process: https://dotnettutorials.net/lesson/net-core-vs-net-framework-code-execution-process/
ASP.NET Core Request Processing Pipeline: https://dotnettutorials.net/lesson/asp-net-core-request-processing-pipeline/

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