Debian vs Arch vs RedHat and WHY its Important.

Debian vs Arch vs RedHat and WHY its Important.

Debian vs Arch vs RedHat and WHY its Important.


This was originally going to be a “5 Things I Wish I Knew when Starting with Linux” sort of video, but after several takes the video was still long – I think it was just too many unrelated things to talk about in one video, so I’m going to split them up into small self-contained vids instead!

Not that Linux as a whole can be simplified to such an extent that there’s only three branches, but as is the case with this content’s focus, this is basic-principle stuff to help beginners along; for this purpose it’s a great help to know the three branches of Linux, which branch your distro falls under, and what sort of help and keywords to look for when looking for tutorials or instructions regarding Linux.

TL;DW with your distro now picked, ask yourself: is it Debian-based, Arch-based or Redhat-based?


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