Configuring Azure Active Directory app registrations for SPAs and APIs.

Configuring Azure Active Directory app registrations for SPAs and APIs.

Configuring Azure Active Directory app registrations for SPAs and APIs.

Foreword: sorry for mispronouncing the acronym “JWT” – I knew the recommended pronounce is “jot”, but even so, in my first videos I pronounce it in a way that reminds how Italians pronounce the “BMW” brand. 😊

In this tutorial I explain how to configure app registrations in Azure Active Directory for a SPA enabling interactive sign-in, and a API requiring JWT Bearer authentication.

This tutorial is the fourth in a series that uses Torino project, to speak about different topics regarding publishing Python web applications and TypeScript front-end single page applications in Azure. It is also providing documentation for my web framework for Python, BlackSheep.

(0:00:00) Intro
(0:01:41) App registration for the API
(0:04:00) App registration for the SPA
(0:06:00) Configuration in the source code
(0:08:35) Configuring the SPA
(0:10:48) Inspecting access tokens
(0:13:10) Application roles
(0:15:08) Assigning roles to users and groups
(0:16:40) Closing

The source code of Torino is available here:

The article I wrote to describe how JWTs can be validated using Python, mentioned in the tutorial:

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