🚀Javascript Course 2023 Fully Modern and Updated 🔥#javascript #programming #coding

🚀Javascript Course 2023 Fully Modern and Updated 🔥#javascript #programming #coding

🚀Javascript Course 2023 Fully Modern and Updated 🔥#javascript #programming #coding

😎 Dude’s Javascript Course 2023 Fully Modern and Updated 🔥#javascript #programming #coding

✅ Download the complete files here 👉 https://github.com/thecodeblockdev/no-regret-js-completed-files

The Dude’s CodeBlock Javascript Course teaches you complete modern vanilla JavaScript – no React, no TypeScript, no Frameworks – just plain old + Modern JavaScript

🦄 What will I learn?This course is focusd from the beginners perspective we will go fom basics to advance JavaScript – the world’s most commonly used programming language. Here’s what you’ll get out of it…

👶 The Basics of JavaScript for setting the base
👨‍🎤 Advanced concepts broken down in with analogies
📰 Amazing presentations for behind the scences
🧠 Internals of javascript
⚔️ Debugging and Error Handling
🚀 Asynchronous Javascript
🌟Es6+ and beyond
and more…more…and more……

👉 Article on History of Javascript: https://www.techaheadcorp.com/blog/history-of-javascript/

✅ Important links👇🏻

🔗 Telegram join here: t.me/codeblockdev
🔗 Visit website: codeblockdev.com

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✅ Visit our website 👉 : codeblockdev.com
✅Join Discord: 👉discord.gg/DuuucPkMfF
✅Connect on Linkedin : 👉linkedin.com/in/codeblock/


0:00 – Intro Don’t Miss
4:13 Let’s write some code (You must take notes throughout the course)
14:35 Development environment setup
22:23 A Quick introduction to the language
25:08 The Role of javascript in web development
29:43 Okay officially starting with VARIABLES
35:55 Must remember rules related to variables
41:10 Data types
46:45 Commenting a part of the code
51:55 The “typeOf” Operator
53:34 Dynamic type in action
1:02:16 Let, const and var
1:15:39 Operators in Javascript
1:29:23 Operator’s precedence table
1:42:20 You can do this
1:42:50 A simple challenge to trick you
1:46:18 One more simple challenge
1:52:00 The mighty “STRINGS” in Javascript
1:57:47 Template literals or template strings
2:03:35 If/else
2:09:22 Value Types: Type conversion vs Type coercion
2:21:53 Type coercion
2:30:23 Truthy and false values
2:45:47 Equality Operators
2:55:25 Prompt function
3:07:18 Javascript Logical operators
3:30:24 Javascript switch statement
3:35:40 Statements and Expressions
3:52:40 Ternary Operator (But watch from Statements and Expression)
3:57:00 Break Time: A brief history of modern javascript
4:04:04 A Masterclass on Javascript Functions
4:11:38 Strict Mode
4:21:37 What is a function in javascript
4:36:48 Quick points to remember(must note down)
4:41:39 Function declaration vs function expression
4:54:27 Higher-order functions
5:09:58 Arrow functions

5:17:09 [ Arrays ] [Data Structures]
5:36:03 { Objects } [Data Structures]
5:48:50 Loops
6:03:35 Backward looping ( Mostly asked in interviews )
6:08:22 While loops
6:13:37 DOM Overview
6:18:18 BTS Dom
6:24:44 Let’s do Dom manipulation
7:07:33 Events in DOM
7:29:08 Internals of javascript
7:31:15 The javascript engine
7:33:05 Execution contexts and the call stack
7:40:15 How execution context is created (Variable Object)
7:44:05 But Scope first ( Township analysis )
7:52:44 Advance scoping (Deep down)
8:03:57 Understanding scope with code
8:13:48 Hoisting
8:18:20 Temporal dead zone of a variable
8:21:14 Hoisting Practically
8:29:58 This
8:37:50 Method borrowing
8:40:22 This in arrow function vs regular function
8:49:02 Primitive data types vs reference data types
8:54:56 (Presentation) Primitive data types and reference values
9:03:32 Asynchronous Javascript
9:21:07 (Presentation) Internals of Javascript (watch thrice)
9:36:42 Asynchronous JS (Callbacks, Promises, async-await)
10:20:19 Es6+ and beyond with a lot of challenges for you
10:22:55 Don’t get overwhelmed (Don’t worry just get going)
10:23:12 Destructuring
10:26:02 Object Destructuring
10:27:16 How Destructuring is used in React.js Example
10:28:20 Default Parameters
10:30:45 Enhanced object literals
10:36:35 Rest parameters and spread operators
10:44:55 for-in and for-off loop and which one to use and when
10:49:23 for-off
10:50:44 find
10:53:16 findIndex
10:54:23 Set
10:55:32 Map
10:57:30 Modules (Very very important to understand)
11:16:07 Challenges for you (Do complete this homework)
11:17:08 Congratulations
11:19:44 Outro
#javascript #programming #learnjavascript #codeblock

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