External Aimbot and Esp in C# IMGUI .NET PART 3 – Creating the entity class (Tutorial)

External Aimbot and Esp in C# IMGUI .NET PART 3 – Creating the entity class (Tutorial)

External Aimbot and Esp in C# IMGUI .NET PART 3 - Creating the entity class (Tutorial)

#swedz #csharp #imgui

📌 Description:
Aaaaand we are back! This is the third part of the l4d2 external aimbot and esp series where we create our own entity class to hold important data and also begin the ImGui window. This is really the backbone of the series so make sure to watch this!😉

Key features 🔥
– It uses libraries for user interface design, game memory reading, and Windows API functions.
– The program defines a class called Program that inherits from an Overlay class.
– Inside the class, it imports necessary functions and structures from Windows API.
– It sets up keybindings, initializes variables, and prepares the overlay.
– The Render method handles rendering the overlay menu using ImGui.
– The Main method starts the program, hides the console window, and awaits user input.

This video is great for any skill level in c# programming and it will definitively hopefully get you started on creating your own projects! 🤗

[ Timestamps ⌚]

0:00 Introduction
1:23 Showcase
2:50 Tutorial starts here
6:25 Creating the entity class
13:05 Creating offsets class
18:15 fixing main method
20:00 Imports
24:05 Class variables
33:30 adding methods to main
37:52 Testing results

[ Links 🖱️]

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Watch part 2 here: https://youtu.be/1M9k9Vs-fTw

[ Credits ✨]

You guys, I appreciate all of your support ❤️

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