Blockchain, IPv6, AI & 5G will pave the way for the new Internet | Dr Satya Gupta | CG Backstage

Blockchain, IPv6, AI & 5G will pave the way for the new Internet | Dr Satya Gupta | CG Backstage

Blockchain, IPv6, AI & 5G will pave the way for the new Internet | Dr Satya Gupta | CG Backstage

On this episode of #CGBackstage, CoinGeek caught up with Dr. Satya Gupta, chairman of the Bharat IPv6 Forum, on the sidelines of the London Blockchain Conference to talk about the convergence of #blockchain technology and #IPv6. Dr. Gupta is a proponent of ‘trust-as-a-service,’ which is enabled when technologies like blockchain, IPv6, AI and 5G are combined to provide security and trust—the missing components in today’s Internet of Things-driven world.

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