Linux Directory Navigation: cd -, cd /, and cd .. Explained! #linux #bashscripting #ubuntu #commands

Linux Directory Navigation: cd -, cd /, and cd .. Explained! #linux #bashscripting #ubuntu #commands

Linux Directory Navigation: cd -, cd /, and cd .. Explained! #linux #bashscripting #ubuntu #commands

Linux Directory Navigation: cd -, cd /, and cd .. Explained! #linux #bashscripting #ubuntu #commands

Welcome back, Linux enthusiasts! In our previous video, we delved into the world of directory navigation with the “cd” command. Today, get ready to level up your skills as we unveil the secrets of the “cd -” command, along with two bonus commands: “cd /” and “cd ..”.

Imagine seamlessly toggling between directories using the mystical cd dash command. Say goodbye to repetitive typing and save valuable time as you switch effortlessly between your current and previous directory.

Embark on a thrilling adventure with the cd slash command. Instantly teleport to the root directory, the foundation of the Linux file system. Explore the hierarchical structure like a true Linux wizard.

Ascend to new heights with the “cd ..” command. Move effortlessly to the parent directory, eliminating the need for tedious backtracking. Experience efficient directory navigation like never before.
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cd .. command in linux
cd ../
../ command in linux
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cd to previous directory
cd ..
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terminal video
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change directory
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#linux, #bashscripting , #shellscript , #shell, #commands , #linuxcommands , #terminal , #ubuntu , #scripting , #linuxdistro , #shortsvideo , #shorts , #tech, #linuxcommandline , #linux_tutorial , #linuxterminal

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