Update and Delete data in MySQL using Prisma in Reactjs / Nextjs13 app | Part 5-CRUD Operations

Update and Delete data in MySQL using Prisma in Reactjs / Nextjs13 app | Part 5-CRUD Operations

Update and Delete data in MySQL using Prisma in Reactjs / Nextjs13 app | Part 5-CRUD Operations

Part 5: CRUD Operations – Update and Delete data in your MySQL database using Prisma within your React / Nextjs application.

Playlist link : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLap-l7PiZ8FlzuB3sPw2QCaCvoyZiYnkZ

00:00 Introduction and Recap
01:20 Update Single Record
03:53 Update Multiple Records
06:21 Repeat single/multi record update for todo
10:27 Create or Update using upsert
16:37 Relational Updates
20:22 Delete Single Record
22:20 Delete Multiple Record
24:50 onDelete cascade
25:22 Delete entire table records

Please comment if you would like me to create similar video for NoSQL database as well.

#nextjs13 #nextjs #mysql #database #crud #operations #using #prisma #tutorial #modeling #relational #database #youtube #learning

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