How to create a database website with PHP and mySQL 01 – Intro

How to create a database website with PHP and mySQL 01 – Intro

How to create a database website with PHP and mySQL 01 - Intro

How to create a database-backed website with PHP and mySQL. Shows how to setup a web server, code some HTML and PHP front end examples with a database backend written in my SQL.

0:00 Preview of keyword search of database and PHP app
1:00 PHPmyadmin view of mySQL server
1:20 How do web servers serve web pages?
2:30 How does a web server and database server work?
3:30 What is LAMP?
4:25 What languages do you need to create a dynamic website in LAMP or WAMP?
5:30 What does PHP language look like?
5:48 What does SQL code look like?

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