Absolute beginner with Node-RED: Node-RED Dashboard input and WebSocket

Absolute beginner with Node-RED: Node-RED Dashboard input and WebSocket

Absolute beginner with Node-RED: Node-RED Dashboard input and WebSocket

This livestream is about Node-RED: Dashboard input and WebSocket.
Sorry for the loud music, even when it’s my own music until 15:10 min!

Should be named received 😉 … I saw …

I got following question:

“Hi Thomas,
I just read your article: https://thomassuedbroecker.github.io/absolute-beginner-node-red-flow/steps/5-add-input-form/

… and had a quick question…

Is there anyway pass in default form values via the URL – like this: https://node-red-example.mybluemix.net/ui?firstname=Jon&lastname=Doe


– Understand Node-Dashboard
– Get a basic very understanding of WebSockets in Node-RED

– Overview:
– 01:38 The question I got (load music)
– 03:15 The dashboard input (load music)
– 07:08 The developer tools in Safari (load music)
– 07:28 Inspect the Dashboard WebSocket (load music)
– 09:27 Example HTTP endpoint for that question (load music)
– 14:30 WebSocket example (load music)
– 15:30 Switch of the music
– 17:30 Example Webpage for the WebSocket
– 20:30 Test the WebSocket
– 25:30 Add a debug node for the webpage

– Additional resources:
– Source code websocket page: https://github.com/thomassuedbroecker/absolute-beginner-node-red-flow/blob/master/node-red-flow/webpage-socket.html
– Absolute beginner flow: https://thomassuedbroecker.github.io/absolute-beginner-node-red-flow/

Song TNM – Drummer: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB_iNnv8XarWdteKWa3yTjQ

#nodered, #websocket, #javascript, #html, #nodereddashboard

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