Get Maximum Opening Amount Country Wise in SQL SERVER | Part 7 #sqlserver #coding #dataqueries

Get Maximum Opening Amount Country Wise in SQL SERVER | Part 7 #sqlserver #coding #dataqueries

Get Maximum Opening Amount Country Wise in SQL SERVER | Part 7 #sqlserver #coding #dataqueries

Get Maximum Opening Amount Country Wise in SQL SERVER | Part 9 #sqlserver #coding #dataqueries

In SQL, you can use the GROUP BY clause along with the MAX function to retrieve the maximum value from a specific column for each group in a dataset. This is often used to find the maximum value within each group and present it in a result set. Here’s the basic syntax:

SELECT column_group, MAX(column_to_find_max)
FROM your_table
GROUP BY column_group;

Remember that the column you’re selecting for the MAX function doesn’t have to be the same as the one you’re grouping by. You can use this approach to find the maximum value of any numeric or comparable column within each group.

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