Forza Horizon 5 Badlands Rally Expedition | 5K | 13700K | 4090

Forza Horizon 5 Badlands Rally Expedition | 5K | 13700K | 4090

Forza Horizon 5 Badlands Rally Expedition | 5K | 13700K | 4090

Join me in watching this video recording of my gameplay of Forza Horizon 5 Badlands Rally Expedition (Skip directly to 2:34 ) played on 4090 in 5K (5120×2880) using DLSS Quality and Extreme Quality Preset, this video contains unlocking of FH5 Rally and first three rally races, Hope you will enjoy this high quality video

Gameplay was recorded using Nvidia Shadowplay in 5K 120 Mbps and transcoded into AV1 using my own AV1 converter tool (wrapper over ffmpeg with drag and drop and progress bar) which I am yet to release as its still work in progress, however here is the underlying command used to transcode into high quality AV1

ffmpeg.exe -y -hide_banner -loglevel error -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format cuda -i FH5-Badlands-Rally-First3Races-5K.mp4 -filter:v fps=60, scale_cuda=%s:interp_algo=lanczos -progress – -acodec:a aac -b:a 320k -movflags +faststart -vcodec:v av1_nvenc -cq:v 15 -maxrate:v 64M -g:v 60 -bf:v 2 -preset:v p5 -tune:v hq -colorspace:v bt709 -color_primaries:v bt709 -color_trc:v bt709 -color_range:v tv -rc:v vbr -multipass:v 1 -rc-lookahead:v 32 -b_ref_mode:v 2 -highbitdepth:v true FH5-Badlands-Rally-First3Races-5K-av1.mp4

Thumbnail was 5K screenshot of beautiful Ford Rally car with Badlands banner and converted into 720p thumbnail using image magick

magick.exe FH5-RallyExpeditionYT.png -filter spline -resize 1280×720 -unsharp 0x1 FH5-RallyExpeditionYT-YT-spline.png

0:00 Introduction
0:36 5K & DLSS Settings
1:29 Travel to Horizon Rally Outpost
2:34 Welcome to Sierra Nueva
3:00 Drive Ford F150 Lightning Electric
3:54 Jump over Festival Plane
4:44 Ford Focus RS/Horizon Festival Badlands
7:33 Horizon Rally Adventure Cinematic
9:17 Devil Pass Horizon Rally
13:22 Devils Pass Rally Scorecard
14:43 Cascade Fuerte Horizon Rally
18:31 Cascade Fuerte Rally Scorecard
21:22 Reserva Del Carrizo Horizon Rally
24:51 Reserva Del Carrizo Rally Scorecard

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