ElasticSearch + Logstash: realtime monitoring of nginx logs (ElasticSearch for beginners)

ElasticSearch + Logstash: realtime monitoring of nginx logs (ElasticSearch for beginners)

ElasticSearch + Logstash: realtime monitoring of nginx logs (ElasticSearch for beginners)

In this video, I used docker image of elastic search. So it is good if you have some idea of dockers. It is not compulsory but just needed for installation. Rest of the part is related to elastic search only and you can go through it.

This video contains:

1. Basic idea / use cases of ElasticSearch
2. Load data in ElasticSearch (data can be of any type, you need to convert it to json)
3. Docker: Mount ElasticSearch data to persistent volume
4. Monitor nginx logs using Elastic search and Logstash(Realtime )

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