Web3.0 Crowdfunding Dapp Project in Hindi | Solidity | Next.js | Hardhat | styled-components

Web3.0 Crowdfunding Dapp Project in Hindi | Solidity | Next.js | Hardhat | styled-components

Web3.0 Crowdfunding Dapp Project in Hindi | Solidity | Next.js | Hardhat | styled-components

0:00:00 demo of the project
0:09:36 structure of project
0:12:28 environment & tools
0:18:30 solidity part-1
0:30:43 solidity part-2
0:52:08 solidity part-3
1:08:56 hardhat configuration part-1
1:18:19 hardhat configuration part-2
1:38:02 deploying solidity smart contracts to polygon
1:48:02 theme toggle & styled-components setup
2:11:03 next styled-components issue resolved
2:16:51 styling project header
2:57:07 connect to wallet button
3:32:04 header active links
3:41:53 styling create campaign form
4:08:02 form state management
4:26:56 upload files to ipfs
4:47:37 calling start campaign solidity function
5:19:06 styling campaign card for homepage
5:29:59 calling solidity events and showing data in homepage
6:09:29 styling campaign detail page
6:19:06 quick fix for our project
6:29:05 getting data form contract for campaign detail page
7:04:56 creating dashboard
7:14:30 outro

Check out live Crowdfunding Dapp:

Error Fix Video for Crowdfunding Dapp (Unhandled runtime error):


Deploy Crowdfunding Dapp to Vercel:

Playlist Link:

Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/_suvinegi_/
Twitter:- https://twitter.com/suvinegi
Github:- https://github.com/shuvishubham

#web3 #solidity #dapps

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