Prisma Tutorial: Learn And Build a Twitter API Clone with Prisma, MonogDB & Next.js

Prisma Tutorial: Learn And Build a Twitter API Clone with Prisma, MonogDB & Next.js

Prisma Tutorial: Learn And Build a Twitter API Clone with Prisma, MonogDB & Next.js

In this course, You will learn using Prisma ORM With Next.JS and MongoDB.

You will learn everything about Prisma ORM with MongoDB and Next.JS
This course can help you become a Next.JS Backend API Developer.

Things we will cover:
👉 Introduction to Prisma ORM
👉 Generating Prisma Client and Schema
👉 Integrating MongoDB Cloud
👉 Build CRUD Of Users and Posts (Tweets)
👉 Login Signup Authentication

If you want to learn about API Routing, Visit Below Link:
Simple CRUD API:

I will show you how to build a Twitter API clone using Prisma and Next.js. We will start by creating a new Next.js project and then installing Prisma. Once Prisma is installed, we will create a database schema and then generate Prisma Client. We will then use Prisma Client to create a simple Twitter API.

This video is for developers who are interested in learning how to build a Twitter API clone using Prisma and Next.js. No prior experience with Prisma or Next.js is required.

Here are some of the things you will learn in this video:

✨ How to create a new Next.js project
✨ How to install Prisma
✨ How to create a database schema
✨ How to generate Prisma Client
✨ How to create a simple Twitter API

Prisma is a powerful ORM that makes it easy to interact with databases
Next.js is a powerful framework that makes it easy to build modern web applications
Prisma and Next.js work together seamlessly to create powerful and scalable web applications
I hope you enjoy this video!

Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful:

Prisma documentation:
Next.js documentation:

After this video you will have a great knowledge of Prisma using it with Next.Js and MongoDB

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