What is Linux Shell in Telugu Part 9 | Linux Tutorial for beginners

What is Linux Shell in Telugu Part 9 | Linux Tutorial for beginners

What is Linux Shell in Telugu Part 9 | Linux Tutorial for beginners

linux is an opensource operating system. it has both text and graphical based operating system. Mostly we communicate with commands only below are the basic commands in linux

Linux Shell:
– in os there is a special program is called “shell”.
– shell is interpretor
– shell takes the commands from user and execute it.
– and it will gives the result as user understandable.

Types of Shell:
– bash shell
– C shell
– K shell
– T shell

NOTE: each shell does the same task in different way, syntax and functionality is different.
– default shell in Linux is BASH.

Q)TO check the available shells in your system
cat /etc/shells

Q)TO find your current shell?
echo $SHELL

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