The Internet Basics You Need for Your First Website – Domain names, web hosting and SSL explained

The Internet Basics You Need for Your First Website – Domain names, web hosting and SSL explained

The Internet Basics You Need for Your First Website - Domain names, web hosting and SSL explained

Beginners lesson on domains, web hosting and online security. What’s a domain name, DNS, or TLD? How does web hosting work? What’s WordPress and SSL? Learn that and more!

In this video, you will learn:
What is domain name and TLD. What’s web hosting and how to pick the right hosting for your website. Why do you need a website. What is web security and SSL and how does it protects you and your site’s visitors.
Right now, it’s more important than ever to understand basic elements of the Internet so you are able to better establish YOUR PLACE online, and in the digital world. Sure, you’ve visited a social media website, or typed in a random URL on your mobile device or laptop that brings you to a “destination online,” but how did you get there? How does the Internet even work?

We are here to help you find out a little more about the how the Internet works, and how you can create your own website.

One of the best ways to develop your brand is through a website. A website allows you to show the world what you have to offer. Display your skills, express yourself, or establish your own personal marketing engine. Now and in the future, having a strong online presence is a key component in effectively presenting yourself to potential colleges, employers, and eventually business opportunities.

Claim your free .ME domain with –

How to register a domain with

How to register a domain name

EasyWP: How to create a WordPress site

Shared Hosting – Getting Started–getting-started/

How to install SSL certificates

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