Steam Deck: Overwatch 2 Comes to Steam … (Controller Fixes, Performance Issues, QOL Fixes)

Steam Deck: Overwatch 2 Comes to Steam … (Controller Fixes, Performance Issues, QOL Fixes)

Steam Deck: Overwatch 2 Comes to Steam ... (Controller Fixes, Performance Issues, QOL Fixes)

Use GE Proton 8-4 or higher for now.

In this video, we’ll go through the whole install and some game play. Most important, we’ll answer the pressing questions:

Does it use/need a “tween” launcher?
Does it get preloaded shaders?
Are the differences between the “non-steam” install we’ve all been using for a year?

Let’s check it out!

Note: This video will help you solve losing your controller after you die, explain the performance issues and show you how to drastically improve how it looks.

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