Complete Javascript Crash Course Bangla Part 1- Programming Hero

Complete Javascript Crash Course Bangla Part 1- Programming Hero

Complete Javascript Crash Course Bangla Part 1- Programming Hero

JavaScript Crash Course Part 1

Introduction to JavaScript
What is JavaScript?
Java vs Javascript
Why learn JavaScript?
Setting up the development environment

II. JavaScript Basics
Variables and data types
Operators and expressions
Control flow (if statements, loops)
Functions and scopes
Arrays and objects
Working with strings
Type coercion and strict equality

III. DOM Manipulation
Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)
Selecting and manipulating DOM elements
Modifying element content, styles, and attributes
Creating and removing elements dynamically
Event handling and event listeners

IV. JavaScript Functions and Objects
Function declarations and expressions
Function parameters and return values
Anonymous functions and arrow functions
Object-oriented programming in JavaScript
Creating and working with objects and classes

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