I Made 3D MINECRAFT in PYTHON using Ursina!

I Made 3D MINECRAFT in PYTHON using Ursina!

I Made 3D MINECRAFT in PYTHON using Ursina!

In this Python tutorial I code a minecraft clone using a 3d library called Ursina. I create the main mechanics of minecraft which will allow us to place and destroy blocks to build up our world.

Code & assets on github: https://github.com/russs123/minecraft_tut

Credits for assets used:
Low poly 3D blocks: https://devilsworkshop.itch.io/essential-low-poly-isometric-3d-block-and-hex-pack

00:00 Intro
00:25 Project Setup
01:07 Create App
03:20 Create Player
04:45 Setup Block Class
08:15 Generate Terrain
11:25 Place Down Blocks
14:20 Destroy Blocks
16:30 Select Different Block Types
18:30 Randomize Terrain With Perlin Noise

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