Ionic app with SQLite CRUD operation

Ionic app with SQLite CRUD operation

Ionic app with SQLite CRUD operation

Today I will show you how to create a CRUD app with an ionic framework. I have used SQLite database. I have used a relational table. So you will be able to create any type of CRUD operation.

Here are the contents of the project:

1. 00:00:00 complete app
2. 00:01:24 install new ionic project
3. 00:02:07 create pages
4. 00:04:51 page design
5. 00:07:13 install SQLite package
6. 00:08:29 create database service
7. 00:09:17 create database and tables
8. 00:15:43 create addCategory function
9. 00:18:03 create getCategories function
10. 00:19:29 create deleteCategory function
11. 00:21:15 create editCategory function
12. 00:43:38 create addPerson function
13. 00:45:39 create getPersons function
14. 00:48:41 create addPerson function
15. 00:53:48 create deletePerson function
16. 00:58:07 create editPerson function

It will take 1 hour to complete the full project. I have shown everything in detail. Hopefully, you will be able to develop this app too.

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