JAVASCRIPT: String Method with Argument | #L17 | Master in JavaScript Tutorial 2023.

JAVASCRIPT: String Method with Argument | #L17 | Master in JavaScript Tutorial 2023.

JAVASCRIPT: String Method with Argument | #L17 |  Master in JavaScript Tutorial 2023.

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JAVASCRIPT: String Method with Argument | Master in JavaScript Tutorial 2023.

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This text explains the concept of methods in JavaScript for manipulating strings. Methods are actions that can be performed on a string and they can accept arguments, which are inputs that modify their behavior. The text covers examples of methods like indexOf, slice, replace, and repeat, explaining how they work and what arguments they require. It emphasizes that methods can alter strings without affecting the original string and suggests referring to the documentation for more details on different string methods.

📌Highlighted Points:

✅Strings in JavaScript can be manipulated using methods.
✅Methods can accept arguments to modify their behavior.
✅Examples of string methods include indexOf, slice, replace, and repeat.
✅The indexOf method returns the index of the first occurrence of a specified value in a string.
✅The slice method extracts a portion of a string based on given indices.
✅The replace method replaces a specific string with another string.
✅The repeat method repeats a string a specified number of times.
✅Methods can be used to modify strings without changing the original string.
✅Referring to documentation provides more information on various string methods.

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