Zero to Hero ControlNet Tutorial: Stable Diffusion Web UI Extension | Complete Feature Guide

Zero to Hero ControlNet Tutorial: Stable Diffusion Web UI Extension | Complete Feature Guide

Zero to Hero ControlNet Tutorial: Stable Diffusion Web UI Extension | Complete Feature Guide

I show how to install Automatic1111 Web UI & ControlNet extension installation from scratch in this video. Moreover I show how to make amazing QR codes and inpainting and out painting of ControlNet which are very similar to Photoshop generative fill and Midjourney zoom out. Furthermore, I explain and show what are Canny, Depth, Normal, OpenPose, MLSD, Lineart, SoftEdge, Scribble, Seg, Shuffle, Tile, Inpaint, IP2P, Reference, T2IA features of ControlNet.

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Playlist of StableDiffusion Tutorials, Automatic1111 and Google Colab Guides, DreamBooth, Textual Inversion / Embedding, LoRA, AI Upscaling, Pix2Pix, Img2Img ⤵️

0:00 Introduction to most advanced zero to hero ControlNet tutorial
2:55 How to install Stable Diffusion Automatic1111 Web UI from scratch
5:05 How to see extensions of files like .bat
6:15 Where to find command line arguments of Automatic1111 and what are they
6:46 How to run Stable Diffusion and ControlNet on a weak GPU
7:37 Where to put downloaded Stable Diffusion model files
8:29 How to give different folder path as the model path – you can store models on another drive
9:15 How to start using Stable Diffusion via Automatic1111 Web UI
10:00 Command line interface freezing behaviour
10:13 How to improve image generation of Stable Diffusion with better VAE file
11:39 Default VAE vs best VAE comparison
11:50 How to set quick shortcuts for VAE and Clip Skip for Automatic1111 Web UI
12:30 How to upgrade xFormers to the latest version in Automatic1111
13:40 What is xFormers and other optimizers
14:26 How to install ControlNet extension of Automatic1111 Web UI
18:00 How to download ControlNet models
19:40 How to use custom Stable Diffusion models with Automatic1111 Web UI
21:24 How to update ControlNet extension to the latest version
22:53 Set this true, allow other scripts to control ControlNet extension
24:37 How to make amazing QR code images with ControlNet
30:59 Best settings for QR code image generation
31:44 What is Depth ControlNet option and how to use it
33:28 Depth_leres++ of ControlNet
34:15 Depth_zoe of ControlNet
34:22 Official information of Depth maps
34:49 ControlNet Normal map
35:34 Normal Midas map
36:05 Official information of Normal maps
34:49 ControlNet Canny model
37:42 Official information of Canny
37:55 ControlNet MLSD straight lines model
39:08 Official information of MLSD straight lines
39:18 ControlNet Scribble model
40:28 How to use your own scribble images and turn them into amazing artworks
40:45 When to select none in pre-processor section
41:20 My prompt is more important
41:36 ControlNet is more important
42:01 Official information of Scribble
42:11 ControlNet Softedge model
43:12 Official information of SoftEdge
43:22 ControlNet Segmentation (Seg) model
43:55 How to modify your prompt to properly utilize segmentation
44:10 Association of prompt with segments the ControlNet finds
44:41 How to turn your wall into a painting with ControlNet
45:33 Why I selected none preprocessor
43:06 Official information of segmentation (Seg)
46:16 Open pose module of ControlNet
46:40 How to install and use OpenPose editor
50:58 Official information of OpenPose
51:08 ControlNet Lineart model
51:36 Preprocessor preview bug
54:21 Real lineart into amazing art example
56:34 How to generate amazing logo images by using Lineart of ControlNet
58:16 Difference between just resize, crop and resize, and resize and fill
59:02 ControlNet Shuffle model
1:00:50 Official information of Shuffle
1:02:36 What is multi-ControlNet and how to use it
1:04:05 Instruct pix2pix of ControlNet
1:06:00 Inpainting feature of ControlNet
1:07:49 ControlNet inpainting vs Automatic1111 inpainting
1:07:59 How to get true power of inpainting of ControlNet (hint: with tiling)
1:09:00 How to upscale and add details to the images with inpainting + tiling
1:09:30 The tile color fix + sharp to obtain even better results
1:10:35 Tile color fix + sharp vs old tile resample result comparison
1:11:20 How to use generative fill feature of Photoshop in ControlNet to remove objects
1:12:58 How to outpaint (zoom out feature of midjourney 5.2) image with ControlNet
1:14:17 The logic of outpainting
1:14:40 How to continue outpainting easily
1:16:06 Tiling of ControlNet – ultimate game changer for upscaling
1:17:19 How to turn your image into a fully stylized image with tiling without training
1:20:57 Reference only feature of ControlNet
1:22:29 Official information of Reference mode
1:22:39 Style Transfer (T2IA) of ControlNet
1:26:54 How to install and use ControlNet on RunPod

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