Running .NET C# on Raspberry Pi Pico 🤯

Running .NET C# on Raspberry Pi Pico 🤯

Running .NET C# on Raspberry Pi Pico 🤯

Last month I’ve been working on a .NET nanoFramework port for the Raspberry Pi Pico. In this video I present the news with a demonstration.

Blog post:

.NET nanoFramework:

.NET nanoFramework port for Linux and Nuttx + samples:

00:00 – Presentation
00:55 – Introduction
02:28 – .NET nanoFramework with NuttX
03:00 – Program.cs (PiPico sample)
06:05 – Compiling and generating firmware
13:10 – Flashing firmware on Pi Pico
13:51 – Running the application on Pi Pico
16:03 – Changing Program.cs
23:08 – Final Considerations

dotnet .net nanoframework c# iot raspberry pi pico running c# on microcontrollers rp2040 vs code mono msbuild nuget

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