Why Registering Your Domain Name First is a Bad Idea😱 | Start an Online Business, Part 1

Why Registering Your Domain Name First is a Bad Idea😱 | Start an Online Business, Part 1

Why Registering Your Domain Name First is a Bad Idea😱 | Start an Online Business, Part 1

When you start an online business, when is the best time to register your domain name? NOT in the beginning, like so many hosts and free builders suggest. That’s like laying your home’s foundation before you have a plan. It’s bound to fail. 👉https://ag.sitesell.com shows you how to do it right!

Have you got an idea that you just KNOW is sure to make you money if you could only build yourself a website?

Well – if you do, don’t rush to register the domain name

Why? Because that’s the last place you should start.

Most online services sell you on fancy designs or get you to register your domain name QUICK! – or both. But either way, they neglect to tell you the whole story and unless you really have good internet skills and deep pockets, or both, you will almost inevitably be stuck in internet no man’s land.

Developing a successful online business relies on these 4 things:

1. Creating In Demand Content
2. Attracting Targeted Traffic
3. PREselling your visitors and
4. Monetizing your PREsold traffic

Everything is built around your ability to deliver just one of these….

The ability to create in demand content.

If you are bamboozled by the rest, then that’s not surprising! Most people are – which is why most websites – let alone websites designed to provide financial security – fail dismally.

So, what’s going to make the difference between top or flop? What will help you grow your great idea into a flourishing business and bring you the deep satisfaction and financial rewards that you seek?

Well – understanding the other 3 elements will be a great start. This video series is going to introduce you to what they mean, demonstrate some best practice strategies and share real life experiences and examples from online business owners who followed the Solo Build It! Action Guide and achieved the financial outcomes they planned for.

** The Whole Story (of Starting a Profitable Online Business) | Season One ***

This video: Why Registering Your Domain Name First is a Bad Idea
Next: Proving Your Idea Can Be a Winner… BEFORE You Start

Coming soon:
When Choosing Keywords, Avoid This Fatal Mistake
Taking Luck & Chance Out of Making Money Online
The Power of One. What Makes You Stronger Than Your Competition.

Solo Build It! (“SBI!”) is the ONLY product that enables you to build online businesses at the highest rates & levels of success.

The proof? SBI! delivered 9X to 115X more high-traffic successes in scientific, objective and VERIFIABLE head-to-head studies vs. Wix, WordPress, Squarespace, and GoDaddy:

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#solopreneur #startonlinebusiness #registerdomainname

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